Five Reasons to Study in Australia

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Read on to discover the key points on why Australia is a popular study destination among international students. 

1. Globally Well-Regarded Educational Institutions 

Just like in the USA, there are Ivy League schools, Australia has the Group of Eight institutions that comprises leading research-intensive universities. With that said, the country is strong in research and has produced many innovations throughout the years. Did you know the WI-FI we cannot live without was created in Australia by a team of Australian inventors?

Did you know that Australia is the 3rd most international student popular destination to study? And Melbourne is ranked the 5th best city to study globally? Well, more recently the city of Melbourne is looking toward an automatic 4-year post-study work visa for international students who have completed their studies in Australia. 

Further, worried that you cannot catch up with your academics? Academic supports are available around campus. For instance, study group social clubs that have weekly study group sessions. 

2. Be both a traveler and a student

The Australian scene complements many types of student profiles. There is something for everyone- if you like the outdoors, visit the many walking trails across Australia; if you like bathing in the sun, visit the many beaches in Australia. But if you do not prefer the outdoor life, take on a foodie trip over the weekends to explore Australia’s cuisines. There are also many worthy sightseeing areas if you like photography or just experience the beauty of Australia. 

3. Enjoy Studying Abroad Life & Culture Without Breaking The Bank

As compared to its western counterparts, the USA, UK, and Canada, Australia’s tuition fees and cost of living are generally lower with the assistance of financial aid programs from both institutions and the government. Though with the high frequency of international students enrolling in Australian schools, scholarships are highly competitive. 

4. Post-study work opportunities

Australia is ranked fifth in the world for quality of life. A combination of both experiencing the Australian laid-back culture and working experience is no surprise that many students wish to explore working opportunities in Australia. Apart from that, Australia’s unemployment rate is low at 5.8% as compared to many other countries.

5. Enjoy Campus Life 

The term ‘work hard and play hard’ can be applied not just outside but within the walls of Australian universities too! As opposed to USA’s university sorority-and-fraternity scene sprawled across the media, England’s wizardry student life, Australian universities boast many qualities. Even if the campus is smaller or in a slightly rural area, you do not have to worry about missing out on city life as the area surrounding the university will be turned into an entire town to fit students’ preferences!

Scared of going on solo trips around Australia from the get-go? Step out of your comfort zone with baby steps by engaging in student activities on campus! Build your social network with others of the same interest or not; clubs and societies offer weekly activities that can keep you company and allows you to experience the full Australian school culture and make you feel at home. 

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