English Proficiency Test
Reimbursement Awards

If you are thinking of studying in the United States or considering enrolling in a pathway program in the United Kingdom, we are offering the English Proficiency Test (EPT) Reimbursement Awards to students who have successfully enrolled at our partner institutions through our services in 2024. Do read below for more details on our EPT Reimbursement Awards.

How it Works?

1. Student apply to our partner universities/institutions in the United States or Pathways Programs* in the United Kingdom (Our Services are Free).

2. Select and pass the English Proficiency Tests required by the institutions (TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo, etc.)

3. Receive the offer by our partner institution.

4. Accept the offer by our partner institution.

5. Approval of Student Visa Confirmation (We provide free F-1 and UKVI visa guidance).

6. Successfully enrolled at the institution.

7. Pay the tuition fee for one semester.

8. We will proceed to reimburse the fees for the EPT, 2 months after the tuition fee is paid.

What are Pathway Programs in the UK?

Pathway programs in the UK are:

1. Foundation Programs leading to Universities in the UK

2. International Year One leading to the Second Year at a University in the UK

3. A-Level Preparatory 

Featured UK Universities with Pathways and their Pathway Providers

1. University of Bristol (Kaplan International Pathways)

2. University of Birmingham (Kaplan International Pathways)

3. University of Nottingham (Kaplan International Pathways)

4. University of Liverpool (Kaplan International Pathways)

5. University of Queen’s Belfast (INTO)

6. Newcastle University (INTO)

7. Exeter University (INTO)

8. Durham University (Study Group)

9. University of Sheffield (Study Group)

10. University of Leeds (Study Group)

and more…


Featured U.S. Universities Partners

1. Arizona State University

2. University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)

3. University of Utah

4. Wichita State University

5. Western Michigan University

6. Oregon State University

7. UMASS Boston

8. Pace University

9. Louisiana State University

10. Illinois Institute of Technology

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